Research Questions

Question 1
What is are the basic stages of the water cycle?
     Condensation is where a gas turns into a liquid. Condensation came in when the sun cools off the cold air .Condensation produces clouds and fog.It role in the water cycle is to let condense cloud release precipitation.
    Precipitation is where the rain,sleet,hail,and snow that comes from the sky.In the water cycle the role that precipitation is to let atmosphere water back on to the ground.The most common types of precipitation is rain.
    Evaporation is where vaporization of water molecules from earth's surfaces raises into the the clouds.Also when the vapor is liquid and turns in to a gas.One type of evaporation is boiling.In the water cycle the water on the surface evaporates into the air.

Question 2
How is the water cycle form and what drives it?What if the sun run out today?
     The driven source of the water cycle is the sun.The sun causes evaporation.The heat of the sun heats up the vapor and raise it into the clouds.Which then add up to condensation .Then the whole cycle starts again.
     The water cycle is formed when water vapor condense to the atmosphere .Then the vapor forms clouds.And when in the clouds the vapor becomes to condense and falls as precipitation.After it falls as precipitation it go into evaporation. Where the whole cycle starts again.
    If the sun ran out today then the water cycle would not be possible.The water cycle would not have evaporation because nothing would heat the evaporation into the atmosphere.Then precipitation wouldn't be possible because there would be no vapor in the clouds.The Earth would be destroyed due to lack of water.

 What would happen if there was no water on Earth?
    The Earth is made up of mainly water.The earth will never run out of water because of the sun.As along as there is the sun then there will be water on Earth.The Earth is nicknamed the water planet.
    If the Earth didn't contain water all plants and animals would die. Also if there is no plants then there is no human life on Earth.No living thing would survive on Earth.
    People just take water for granted but water is really important to Earth. Water is what make Earth alive. Scientist said that around 2025 1/3 of fresh water will be gone.